Menginficanted of recitation (dzikir)
Recitation (dzikir) means remember. Remember to ALLAH SWT. We are as the Muslim obliged for do it. Certainly you all know about that not only as remember but also we know 1 the recitation (dzikir) it’s medicine, cleaner, brush, and flash light of heart. What you all haven’t your heart clean? So l n et’s go we recited together and vital we recited. laillaha ila anta ya hayyul ya qoyum, subhanalloh wabihamdi subhanalloh hil ‘addzim.
What once you all listen mild songs of plants, animals, cloud, air, land, water , stars, moon, sun, and atom in this world. That is Prise to ALLAH what which there is sky and what which there is earth, 2 great brave ALLAH and great capable. Friends ... those songs are something we always forget in this world. Precisely it’s the mildest songs between the best songs.
There some hadis which explain from Aisyah r.a. to tell3: “Rasulullah saw. dzikir any happen and any opportunity.”.. In reality we know that Rosulullah is the choice people which protect from all sin. What we enjoy and not care, whereas in reality we not loose of sin. Friends, if you believe, Rosulullah dzikir minimal 70 times in 1 day. How much we must dzikir? irhamna
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